Monday, May 17, 2010

12 day vegan challenge

today is the first day of my 12 day vegan challenge. the idea? starting today, and for the next twelve, i'm eating vegan with the added challenge of no oil, sugar, or non-whole grains! wow! I am using the McDougall Program as a basis for this challenge, which you can read more about here. i'm totally excited to get more energy, clearer skin, a healthier immune system, and all of the things promised by diet-makers. actually, i have no unrealistic expectations of this, i just want to see what happens.

i started off today with a bowl of Kashi with strawberries (locally grown!) and soy milk. i never actually read the Kashi box to make sure its vegan... oops. bad start! the rest of the day will obviously be much better.

gotta run!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lady Detective

Lady Detective

This is my Polyvore set for the What I Wore contest. I hope I wil! I love this dress and I would love to style it up in real life. Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Monday, May 3, 2010

there's a shewolf in the closet

Rhino has sucked my brain dry, so i've gone back to studying German while doing layouts in InDesign. and the funny thing is, this is what i consider relaxing. ugh.


i'm on the internship hunt and not turning up many positive leads. please give me a job. as evidenced by this post, i work until my head explodes and my fingers fall off. i can survive on diet coke and granola for days (perhaps weeks) at a time, and i am happy all. the. time. literally. i am always in a good mood. unless people are throwing things at me. plus, i'm miserable at my current job.

please hire me!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

crazy hair

i wish my hair looked like a lion. instead, it looks like a poodle exploded.

i have been knitting a lot and i think i'm going to make something for my littlest sister first.

Monday, October 12, 2009


i have new hair. please note the difference between this:

and this:

it's better. trust me.

Monday, July 20, 2009

listen, all y'all, it's a sabotage

my summer so far. from top left to right and down:

1. beastie boys
2. stick shifting (i love my kia rio!)
3. pabst blue ribbon (just as cheap as natty light and infinitely better in taste)
4. making shit in illustrator (mostly for my internship)
5. weddings (internship!)
6. c-bus skyline
7. my roommate's shiba inu
8. autocad
9. schwinn le tour III (oh yeah, manufactured in 1978)
10. learning to cook vegan

hope your summers are equally groovy.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

best flyer ever.

this is the best ad i have ever seen. clip art, crazy typefaces, overwhelming colors, LOVE IT.